Henderson Pool
Project Details
Location: Lethbridge, Alberta
Application: Aquatic Facility
Year of Installation: 2016
Main Features:
- Activity Tower
- Mega Soaker
- Skybrella
- Water Leaf
- Sneaky Soaker
There's an exciting aquatic adventure waiting for every child at this new state of the art pool facility. Funded in part by the Government of Canada's Enabling Accessibility Fund, the goal for this enhancement project was to create an inclusive water play space both in and above ground. Thanks to a multi-faceted design by Water Technology, Inc. visitors can now enjoy dynamic aquatic recreation.
A zero-depth splash pad creates an accessible playscape for kids of all ages and abilities with ground sprays, dumping buckets, and an interactive water table for gentle play. A modular Activity Tower heightens the experience with two play platforms, spray columns, and slide flumes. Splash splay elements extend into the pool's shallow zone, with arching flower and leaf sprays. Lethbridge Mayor, Chris Spearman, says the new space is already a great asset to the community. "It's an amazing destination for local families and visitors to enjoy all summer long."